Monday, June 27, 2016


The days all blend together at this point. A coworker brought in QD donuts, but I had a Larabar. Katie says she's never seen someone have so many treats at work and it's no wonder I crave such bad food!  

For dinner I had delicious eggs over easy with fried potatoes, half an avocado, and homemade ketchup. 


Now I want some cookies or cake but I ate a pluot and am having lime flavored Perrier instead. :*(

I'm not noticing many great results (yet?) except I have only taken 2 naps since I started. Some days it's a struggle to fight a nap, but I'm not dying to sleep as son as I get home. Only big plus so far. 

Guess I'll go watch Shark Week and try not to think about the chocolate and cookies and cake that I want. I'm such a baby, but man oh man, this is difficult. 

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