Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 2

I was pretty grouchy this morning but I don't think anything to do with my food. If one more person mentioned my sunburn, I was going to blow! As if I didn't know I'm red as a lobster, geewhiz! I felt yucky and soon as I woke up, but I think it's because I took ibuprofen p.m. last night before bed. I enjoyed a huge salad at lunch, but the aftertaste from the homemade ranch was horrible! I miss gum! 

One of our patients gave us a huge box of Russell Stover candy. It was quite tempting, especially with the garlic/onion/ranch aftertaste. But I did great!

Later in the day, Katie informed me that Larabars are acceptable so I went and grabbed some of those. This link was helpful and choosing the Whole30 approved flavors. I think they will be a lifesaver for me on this program!

 I wasn't hungry for dinner at all. I fell asleep on my couch at seven which is pretty normal for me, unfortunately. Going to try to sleep now for the rest of the night, but I'll probably have to take some melatonin. Hoping I'll have some better sleep patterns by the end of this!


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