Monday, July 4, 2016

Ten Years

A few months ago I started having horrible dreams about Jameson's death. I think my subconscious was thinking about how the 10 year anniversary was coming up. One morning after waking from one of them, the Lord gave me first two lines of this poem and a concept. Though we've been suffering on earth without him for 10 years, Jameson has been in Glory with Jesus for 10 years. 

Yesterday, I sat down and wrote the rest of the poem in about 10 minutes. There's a ton I could do to tweak it and alter it, but I want to leave it in its "natural" state. I called my Dad and Grandma to read it to them and it made Gram cry so I figured I would leave it as is. Here it is: 

Ten Years

10 years of sorrow
10 years of pain 
10 years of sadness
10 years of rain

Our lives changed on that day
Never the same
This world's tragic loss 
was Heaven's sweet gain
Jamo's with Jesus
Wouldn't come back again

He's had
10 years of joy
10 years above 
10 years of worship
10 years of love

10 years are gone
So much has changed
We all often wonder 
Where he'd be today
We may always ask why
We may never understand
But we know he's safe
In his Lord's precious hands

God bless Jamo's family today and always. Love them! 

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