Friday, February 21, 2014


I don't know about y'all, but I have gone to church since birth, but never really read or studied my Bible outside of church. Sure, I looked stuff up once in a while. I also attended a fantastic women's Bible study for about a year, but then the leader left. (I was heartbroken!) My Dad always read the Bible when I was growing up and is very knowledgable about it, but he never made me read it or do devotions, which surprises me. I loved the mini series "The Bible" that was on tv last year, and the show The American Bible Challenge. Both shows made me realize how much I don't know about the Bible! 

This January, Pastor VanDussen mentioned reading the Bible all the way through, which I have always wanted to do. January 6, 2014 I started reading from Genesis and am loving it! I am in the middle of Joshua right now. I read the King James Version (very strict about this!) of the Life Application Bible. I adore it! It explains confusing passages, gives background or historical information, and, you guessed it, applies God's word to life. 

Genesis and Exodus were awesome, and Joseph is my new favorite person from Bible times, after Jesus, of course! Then I got to Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy....whew those were a bit of a struggle to get through! Lots of repetitive laws to the Israelites, but I pushed through because I know it's important if God put it in there! 

One just doesn't realize how much one misses by not reading the Bible. Just going to church doesn't cut it. For instance, I didn't know Jacob's name was changed to Israel, and the Israelites are his decedents. I thought they were named after the country, not the other way around! My lack of Biblical knowledge had made me feel like a bad Christian and a hypocrite. But I am learning so much now! I can't wait to get to Ruth, Psalms, and then the New Testament. Being a history buff probably makes me enjoy reading even more. 

I encourage anyone who has never spent much time in the Bible to bust it out and start reading! You will not regret it and you will be blessed! 

Have a fabulous weekend! 


Ps My Bible weighs almost 5 pounds. Whew! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Twenty Four

Tomorrow is my 25th birthday. Normally I am not excited about birthdays, but this one seems like a big deal for me. Is 25 a big deal for other people? Haha. Maybe it's because I love the number 5? Or because I feel so great? Hmmm.

As I was on the elliptical today (for over an hour, mind you!) I was thinking about 10 years ago when I saw Switchfoot perform their song "Twenty Four" on their live DVD. Jon said he wrote it the night before his 25th birthday. I remember thinking "I have GOT to listen to this song the day before I turn 25! That's in like, 10 years, WHOA!" WHOA that 10 years is gone and here I am, watching the DVD just like I did then. It's funny how the song has a whole different meaning 10 years later, and makes total sense in my life right now. Here is the audio to that performance:

Now that I am feeling healthy mentally God has raised the "dead" or stagnant spirit in me and has helped me grow so much in the last few months. "I am the second man, now"...God now has FULL control of my life, and is #1! I am second. I always have been, but never really fully grasped what that means. Now that I'm thinking clearly, everything makes so much more sense. He was always with me, but I wasn't fully focused on Him.

I became a Christian when I was 5 or 6 years old (the exact date is a topic of confusion and debate in our family, but I remember when it was! Vacation Bible School at Manton Baptist Church, and then Dad went over the plan of salvation with me later and made sure I knew what I was doing.) There is so much I wish I could change about the last 20 years of my life as a Christian, but there is a reason for it all. I'm not sure why He made me wait until I was 24 to figure out why I did some of the things I did, but I am thankful I figured it out now rather than in 60 years! Yesterday in church, God told me I needed to apologize to two friends I was mean to in high school, so I did. It felt so good to do that. I know immaturity, selfishness, and normal teenage drama was most of it, but I also think the undiagnosed depression was working against me, too. Thanks to God for showing me the right thing to do, even if it is quite a few years later. Better late than never, right? 

Though I am not where I thought I would be at 25, I am ready to face 2014 and 25 head on; no more copping out. For some reason I feel like 25 is going to be a big year and I can't wait!

"I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
You're raising the dead in me
Oh, oh I am the second man
Oh, oh I am the second man now
Oh, oh I am the second man now"


PS to kick off my big year, Tim Tebow tweeted me! AHHHH I'm trying not to be all fangirl, but it's not working. I had to ask like 20 questions before he responded, haha! He is awesome, and inspiring, and I just love him! Dream man!!!!